Home Introduction Acknowledgements Notes and abbreviations Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Introduction Acknowledgements Notes and abbreviations Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Acknowledgements Notes and abbreviations Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Notes and abbreviations Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
The book itself The illustrations Appendices
The illustrations Appendices
The writing ofSeven Pillars of Wisdom You can read this lengthy section on the writing of Seven Pillars of Wisdom by clicking on each link in turn - further links on each page give the choice of returning to this page or proceeding to the next topic..... The title Lawrence as 'architect' Sub-title Early plans First draft Loss of manuscript Second draft Kennington Third draft Oxford edition George Bernard Shaw Opinions Abridgement Illustrations First publishing plans Alternatives Typeface and format Decisions Subcriptions Printers Slow progress Costs escalate Abridgement contract 'Fish yet in the sea' Revision RAF again Text abridged Final stages Printing ideals Skill of printers 'Procrustean labour' Completion American edition Revolt in the Desert The aftermath Library copies Praise Criticism Public edition
You can read this lengthy section on the writing of Seven Pillars of Wisdom by clicking on each link in turn - further links on each page give the choice of returning to this page or proceeding to the next topic.....
The title Lawrence as 'architect' Sub-title Early plans First draft Loss of manuscript Second draft Kennington Third draft Oxford edition George Bernard Shaw Opinions Abridgement Illustrations First publishing plans Alternatives Typeface and format Decisions Subcriptions Printers Slow progress Costs escalate Abridgement contract 'Fish yet in the sea' Revision RAF again Text abridged Final stages Printing ideals Skill of printers 'Procrustean labour' Completion American edition Revolt in the Desert The aftermath Library copies Praise Criticism Public edition