


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


Typeface and format

Lawrence had already decided on a typeface and format for the book - 'I want Caslon eleven point or its nearest monotype equivalent.

'The book's size is determined by the ready plates (10 x 8, I think it is, a large quarto, much that of the 1st Edition). If I can get it to 250,000 words it will go in one vol. of 450 words a page.' (1) The typeface had been chosen by Lawrence and Vyvyan Richards while the latter was staying with him at All Souls. With Lawrence's own collection of fine hand-printed books spread out around them they considered the various typefaces, and both independently selected the Caslon fount used in the 1899 Essex House Press edition of Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress, collated by Janet E Ashbee. Lawrence remained an ardent enthusiast for Caslon, writing to Ralph Isham after the book was in print that 'Caslon is my ideal' (2), and this favoured typeface also earns a mention in SP itself, on p 252 [tr ed p 271] - 'My heaven might have been a lonely, soft arm-chair, a book-rest, and the complete poets, set in Caslon, printed on tough paper . . . '

1 L 229, D G Hogarth, 14.XI.23
2 L 326, 22/11/27

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