


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations



Lawrence refused Edward Garnett's subscription as a 'sheer waste of money' (1), promising him a copy of the plain text without the illustrations as a gift; in the event, Garnett was presented with a complete copy. In a similar vein, following a request from Cuthbert Headlam for a copy, Lawrence replied begging him to consider seriously if his bank balance couldn't be better employed than in acquiring luxury books. (2) Despite such super-salesmanship, orders began to come in at a steady two or three a week. A progress report to Hogarth in January reads 'Subscribers add themselves silently to my list:- about 15 now. Whittingham & Griggs are completing the first four chromo-lithos: and Pike (the suggested printer) is preparing me specimen pages.' (3)

1 L 237, E Garnett, 1.1.24
2 L 253, R V Buxton, 29.VIII.24
3 L 240, D G Hogarth, 24.1.24

Next section - Printers

The writing of Seven Pillars of Wisdom - full listing