


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


Margin headings containing
unnecessary capital letters

/ indicates line break

Months in dates are expressed in Roman numerals

Page Margin heading
5 Strangeness/and Pain
44 Threads of/Judgement
45 A serious/Situation
126 Feisal's/Staff/17.I.17
['staff' in adjoining text]
225 The/Railway/19.V.17
229 Until/Sunset/20.V.17
302 Relief/Measures
305 More/Tactics
308 Repairing/Damages/6.VIII.17
526 Two/Raids/28.VII.18
568 Hook or/Crook/Oct. 1918
591 More/Chatter/16.IX.18

Return to Margin headings section

Next appendix - Frequency of use of
decorative initial letters

List of appendices