Home Introduction Acknowledgements Notes and abbreviations The writing of SPoW Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Introduction Acknowledgements Notes and abbreviations The writing of SPoW Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Acknowledgements Notes and abbreviations The writing of SPoW Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Notes and abbreviations The writing of SPoW Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
The writing of SPoW Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
Bibliographical description The book itself The illustrations Appendices
The book itself The illustrations Appendices
The illustrations Appendices
Frequency of use ofdecorative initial letters Letter Large size Small size Small size (red) A 7 38 2 B 8 14 1 C 2 9 - D 8 5 - E 2 3 - F 3 12 - G 1 8 - H 5 21 - I 13 29 2 J 4 4 - K - 2 - L 7 8 - M 6 18 1 N 11 13 - O 8 22 3 P 2 5 - Q 2 4 - R 3 6 - S 10 22 1 T 6 34 1 U 5 4 - V 1 2 - W 7 31 - X 1 - - Y - 3 - Z - 1 - Return to Decorative initial letters section Next appendix - Number of lines of text on the page List of appendices
Return to Decorative initial letters section
Next appendix - Number of lines of text on the page
List of appendices