


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations



The typeface used throughout the book is Caslon Old Face - Monotype Series No 128 [see Appendix - William Morris]. The main text, prelims text and margin headings are set in 14 pt; the synopsis, Book and chapter headings are in 12 pt caps; the type used for the footnotes on pp 176, 248, 257 and 644 is 10 pt; the text on the Book interleaving pages is 14 pt italics; appendix headings are in 14 pt caps and the text which follows is set in 12 pt; titles on the group of illustrations following the text are in 14 pt; with the exception of a larger S and P, SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM on the title page is in 20 pt caps, 'a triumph' in 18 pt italics, and '1926' in 10 pt.

Next section - Textual differences between the
subscribers' edition and the first trade edition

The book itself - full listing