


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


Margin headings on
first pages of chapters
(not included in trade edition)

/ indicates line break

Months in dates are expressed in Roman numerals

Chapter Page number Margin heading
I 3 Suspension/of judgement
II 7 The Arabic/peoples
III 12 The Arabic/nature
IV 18 The transient/Empire
V 24 The Sherif/of Mecca
VI 30 The decay/of Turkey
VII 37 Foreign Office/v. Army./June 1916
VIII 41 In the/Red Sea
IX 48 A Hejaz/town
X 52 Sherif/Ali
XII 60 Entering/the hills
XIII 66 Hejaz/slaves
XIV 69 Egyptians
XV 76 Feisal and/his father
XVI 80 Feisal's/troops
XVII 85 The return/journey
XVIII 93 Unwilling/return
XIX 96 A fresh/journey
XX 101 Feisal's/methods
XXI 105 A change/of clothes
XXII 111 A busy/respite
XXIII 116 Feisal's/new men
XXIV 120 Starting/for Wejh/3.I.17
XXV 126 Feisal's/Staff/17.I.17
XXVI 133 Our tribal/contingents/19.I.17
XXVII 139 The great/water-pool/21.I.17
XXVIII 143 Wejh is/captured/25.I.17
[this margin heading appears on the second page of two-page chapter in trade edition]
XXIX 145 Rewards and/
XXX 149 Wejh/life/4.III.17
XXXI 152 Turkish/tactics
XXXII 156 A change/8.III.17
XXXIII 162 Hill tracks/13.III.17
XXXIV 167 Time to/think
XXXV 177 Revival/23.III.17
XXXVI 184 Celebrating/the picnic/1.IV.17
XXXVII 193 Abdulla's/camp
XXXVIII 197 Return/to Wejh
XXXVIX 202 Auda abu/Tayi
XL 209 Starting/9.V.17
XLI 214 On the/road
XLII 219 On the/road/17.V.17
XLIII 225 The/Railway/19.V.17
XLIV 230 Fejr/well/21.V.17
XLV 234 A man/missing
XLVI 239 Sirhan/water/25.V.17
XLVII 245 Feasting/28.V.17
XLVIII 250 Migrating/30.V.17
XLIX 254 Too/fast/3.VI.17
L 262 Another/starting/19.VI.17
LI 267 Raiding/the line
LII 273 Disabling/a lad
LIII 276 Riding/again/29.VI.17
LIV 281 We are/strung up/2.VII.17
LV 288 Unwelcome/activity/2.VII.17
LVI 295 After/taste/6.VII.17
LVII 299 Egypt/again/9.VII.17
LVIII 304 Staff/jobs
LIX 309 Changing/skins/August 1917
LX 314 Syrian/towns
LXI 322 First/steps/VIII.17
LXII 326 Two/Sergeants/7.IX.17
LXIII 331 Heat/wave/10.IX.17
LXIV 335 Running/away/12.IX.17
LXV 340 Getting/forward.16.IX.17
LXVI 344 Ambush/18.IX.17
LXVII 348 Catching/a train/19.IX.17
LXVIII 353 A final/tip
LXIX 359 Another/raiding/26.IX.17
LXX 365 Bols and/Dawnay/October 1917
LXXI 369 Safety/play
LXXII 373 Fresh/men
LXXIII 377 Desert/helots/27.X.17
LXXIV 383 Lloyd/departs/28.X.17
LXXV 389 Sheikh/Mifleh/31.X.17
LXXVI 396 Azrak/4.XI.17
LXXVII 401 Heavy/hearted/7.XI.17
LXXVIII 407 Hope/renewed/8.XI.17
LXXIX 412 Tightening/our belts/10.XI.17
LXXX 417 Refitting/Azrak/12.XI.17
LXXXI 423 We go/spying/20.XI.17
LXXXII 430 An erring/friend/Nov. 1917
LXXXIII 437 Comic/relief/11.XII.17
LXXXIV 444 My guard/2.I.18
LXXXV 451 Gambit/11.I.18
LXXXVI 456 Counter/attack/24.I.18
LXXXVII 461 A final/stand
LXXXVIII 466 A naval/victory/28.I.18
LXXXIX 472 Flesh-pots/17.II.18
XC 477 More/snow/10.II.18
XCI 483 Prospects/improve
XCII 487 Again in/the yoke/22.II.18
XCIII 491 Colonel/Dawnay
XCIV 496 Getting/clear/3.IV.18
XCV 502 Maulud/12.IV.18
XCVI 510 Miscarriage/2.V.18
XCVII 516 Peake and/Hornby
XCVIII 519 The mice/propose/8.VI.18
XCIX 523 Allenby's/confidence/11.VII.18
C 529 Buxton/arrives/1.VIII.18
CI 537 Redemption
CII 540 Imperial/Camel Corps/8.VIII.18
CIII 544 Off with/Joyce/11.VIII.18
CIV 549 Myself/again/16.VIII.18
CV 555 Losing/the I.C.C./17.VIII.18
CVI 559 The plan/fails/20.VIII.18
CVII 565 Hussein/butts in/27.VIII.18
CVIII 571 Clean/work/5.IX.18
CIX 578 Tiresome/13.IX.18
CX 583 The main/railway/16.IX.18
CXI 588 Wind up/16.IX.18
CXII 592 A lark/16.IX.18
CXIII 596 Reaching/Nisib/17.IX.18
CXIV 600 Insomnia/17.IX.18
CXV 608 In the/desert/22.IX.18
CXVI 612 Armoured/car work/24.IX.18
CXVII 617 The line/again/26.IX.18
CXVIII 621 Too late/27.IX.18
CXIX 629 Retrospect/29.IX.18
CXX 634 Order of/merit/30.IX.18
CXXI 640 Playing/the game/1.X.18
CXXII 645 Rebellion/2.X.18
CXXIII 650 Tomorrow/a new day/3.X.18

Return to Margin headings section

Next appendix - Other margin headings which do not appear in the trade edition

List of appendices