Pages interleaving each Book
Each Book is preceded by a page bearing a few brief paragraphs of synopsis. The text of these paragraphs is the same in the subscribers' and trade editions, and both are set in similar style, the main area of type being justified to both left and right margins, with indented paragraphs, followed by a number of lines reducing in length and centred; but the line breaks in the text differ between the two editions. The individual synopses repeat those given en bloc at the start of the book, but without the detailing of chapter contents; Lawrence has, however, re-written the headings for these interleaving pages.
Apart from the synopsis page at the start of the Book of Introduction, which, although un-numbered, is page 2 in the numbering sequence, the other interleaving synopsis pages remain outside the numbering system. The small size decorative initial letter with which the text on these pages commences is printed in red.
Next section - Appendix
The book itself - full listing