


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


Pages ending with
the end of a paragraph

The use of decorative initial letters on so many pages was of course dependent on Lawrence's success in bringing the preceding page to a conclusion with the end of a paragraph. Not only that, but, to suit his typographic ideals, the final paragraph should preferably finish at the very end of the last line. Remarkably, he succeeded in achieving this latter aim on a total of 258 full pages of text, including 32 chapter endings. A further 160 pages - 80 first pages of chapters and 77 chapter endings where there is less than the full number of lines on the page, and 3 mid-chapter pages where illustrations cut down the number of lines of text - were also made to finish thus, while in addition there are 9 pages - 1 first page of a chapter and 8 full mid-chapter pages - which end with a paragraph but with a less than complete line of type.

Next section - Number of lines of text on the page

The book itself - full listing