


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


Page numbering

Preliminary pages are numbered in Roman figures, and main text pages in Arabic, the page number appearing one line below the text, approximately 13 mm in from the fore margin.

A few pages are not numbered - usually for some obvious or at least divinable reason:

Blank pages - I, II, IV, 1, 92, 208, 294, 364, 436, 490, 570, 654

Title page - III

Dedicatory poem - V

Preface - VI

The number is occasionally omitted on pages where an illustration appears immediately above the usual page number position, [although most pages with an in-text illustration do have a page number, and if there had been one in the following cases it would not always obviously have interfered with the illustration] - 36, 40, 59, 91, 192, 301, 339, 347, 411, 416, 476, 482, 649.

The synopsis pages interleaving each Book are not numbered, and are not included in the numbering scheme, with the exception of the page at the commencement of the Book of Introduction, which should have carried the page number 2.

Pages 284 and 285 have the illustration A forced landing spread across them - neither page is numbered, and Lawrence also dispensed with a decorative initial letter and margin heading on the right hand page for the sake of the appearance of the opening.

Page 435 is a chapter end with 24 full lines of type followed by 7 lines reducing in length and centred, so that a number in the usual place near the right hand margin would perhaps have been thought to spoil the balance of the page - two other pages of similar style have page numbers in the usual position, but they also have 37 lines of type in total and the effect is reasonably balanced.

Page 443 carries a full page cartoon illustration - Kindergarten - and no text.

Page 522 has the Kennington cartoon A literary method and no text, although the drawing occupies only the top half of the page.

Page 653, the final page of text, is in a similar style to the synopsis pages at the start of each Book.

Page 660 bears only the printers' imprint.

There are three numbered pages which merit comment on their style of numbering:

Page 442 is one of those ending with reducing, centred, lines of type - in this case making a total of 36 lines for the page; the page number is centred below the final line.

There is an illustration on p 554 - Kennington's cartoon Introspection - which depicts a blindfolded Lawrence trying to pin the tail onto a donkey with a head at both ends of its body: the page number is slightly to the right of its normal position on the page, and is placed directly below Lawrence's feet.

The illustration on p 652 - a Kennington woodcut entitled A rabbit, which is the last in-text decoration of the book - ends below the normal level of the final line of type: the page number, however, appears in its proper place, but let into a rather awkward-looking, but apparently uncontrived, white space in this abstruse drawing.

Next section - Words split and hyphenated
at the end of a line

The book itself - full listing