


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


Page measurements

The following are approximate measurements for a typical 37 line full page of text, [trimming of the paper produces some variations], and they vary slightly from William Morris's maxim that margins should increase in size in the following order - binder edge, head, fore and tail, [see Appendix - William Morris]:

binder margin 25 mm
head margin 22 mm
fore margin 40 mm
tail margin 50 mm
line length 126 mm
depth of type 178 mm

Where the page is the first in a chapter, the measurement from the top of the page to the chapter number varies from around 30 mm to 45 mm, with approximately 10 mm between the chapter number and the first line of text.

The amount of text on the synopsis pages interleaving each Book varies considerably, with consequent variations in head and tail margin depth, but the fore margin is around 50 mm wide and the binder 45 mm, with the usual width of a full line of text 93 mm.

Next section - Typefaces

The book itself - full listing