


Notes and abbreviations

The writing of SPoW

Bibliographical description

The book itself

The illustrations


The illustrations described

All illustrations within the text are reproduced in black line unless otherwise stated; there is no bordering line around an illustration unless stated; measurements given for unbordered illustrations are approximate maximums of the area covered by the drawing, height x width; measurements given for illustrations with drawn line around include that line; where no measurement is given, this indicates that the illustration is full page, bled off at the edges; the illustrations are without titles, unsigned, unless details are given.

Where an apposite quotation presents itself, this has been included to enlarge upon the brief description of the illustration. Only minor attempts were apparently made to marry text and illustrations, and the majority of the in-text drawings are scattered throughout the book well away from any possible textual connection.

Page references given are for the subscribers' edition, while those in brackets [tr ed p -] refer to the first trade edition of 1935

Abbreviations used -

trc top right-hand corner
brc bottom right-hand corner
tlc top left-hand corner
blc bottom left-hand corner
ti tipped in

Click here for links to detailed descriptions of the individual illustrations -

Full list of illustrations